Contribution Library

Looking for some cool graphics for your Control Pages? Want to integrate your smart home with other software? Need to see some example Indigo Python scripts to help you get started?

Below are some great user contributions for working with Indigo in different ways. Additionally, some of these are excellent tutorials-by-example, so fire up your favorite editor and see how they work. Be sure to check out the Plugin Store for more direct integrations with Indigo from our amazing third party developers.

 Do you have a script, some graphics, or other things that you'd like to share? It's easy to add new items to the library.
Disclaimer: Indigo Domotics does not guarantee the usefulness, quality, or safety of any scripts on this page. We have personally used a few of these contributions, but be careful and use common sense when installing and using any software or scripts.

Apple Shortcuts (7 files)

Type Name Version Overview


Get Calendar Events Shortcut Indigo 2022.1+

This shortcut demonstrates how to export Calendar event data for use in Indigo.


Post Event to Calendar App Indigo 2022.1+

This shortcut demonstrates how to write Indigo data to a new Calendar event.


Send Point of Interest to BMW Connected Indigo 2022.1+

This shortcut enables BMW Connected Owners to send destinations to their cars from their laptops. This is particilarly helpful when you are not looking up a destination from your phone. It’s currently configured to use the address in your clipboard but could also prompt the user for input.


Use Device State Value for IF condition example shortcut Indigo 2022.2+

This shortcut demonstrates how to access an Indigo device using the HTTP API and use the value of a device state in an IF condition.


Use variable value in IF condition example shortcut Indigo 2022.2+

This shortcut demonstrates how to use a variable value in an IF condition.


Variable Copy Demonstration Shortcut Indigo 2022.2+

This shortcut demonstrates how to get a JSON variable instance using the HTTP API, convert it to a shortcut dictionary, then use the value from the dictionary to set the value of a different variable to the value of the first.


Variable Value Notification with Error Trapping Indigo 2022.2+

This shortcut demonstrates how to output the value of an Indigo Variable to an Apple Notification, and includes several IF/THEN statements to trap various error conditions.

Application Integration (1 files)

Type Name Version Overview


WeatherCat to Indigo Data Indigo 6.x-7

WeatherCat monitors your current weather using a sensor array and a console, like a Davis Envoy. There are many other sensors and consoles that it supports.

Using the XML file below as a template, WeatherCat populates another file with realtime data. Please see the WeatherCat documentation for details. There are many more values you could add or delete to suit your situation. The .py file is used by Indigo to push the realtime data into indigo variables.

Code and other Developer Stuff (2 files)

Type Name Version Overview


Clean and Zip Plugin Indigo 7+

Call this script to remove unwanted files (.pyc for instance) from a plugin, then zip it up for distribution to users.


XML Template for Device UI Icon Selection Indigo 2022.1+

An XML template for selecting custom device UI icons within a plugin.

Hardware Integration (7 files)

Type Name Version Overview


Howto update from Aeotec gen2 to Aeotec Gen5 or UZB without rebuilding your Indigo 5.x-7

A backup of the Aeotec stick is not available. So we cannot directly move the network to the new controller by simply unload and reload. The only way to move the network to the new Gen5 (or UZB) stick is to use the old Zensys Tool named ZwaveController.


Indigo Touch Radio Control Page with Dynamic Buttons Indigo 2.x-4.x

This is a tutorial for creating a radio control page for your AV or whole- house audio system. Because it is based on presets, it is easy to update new stations. To eliminate page clutter, this control page uses dynamically updated buttons that change to the appropriate stations depending on if AM or FM is selected.


LP Tank Remote monitoring with text alerts Indigo 5.x-6

I had been looking for a solution to remotely monitor the level LP gas in my outside tanks with Indigo for years. I gave up waiting, and decided to create one myself. I'm happy to say that it has been working quite reliably for a year now. I can see my tanks' level (as a % full value) on my control page, and get text alerts when the level passes thresholds I choose, and also when the propane company comes and refills it while I'm away.

This solution operates over ZWave and requires two special hardware items, a MimoLite, and an R3D Hall Effect Module. More detail in the attached document.

Please note that I am not an electrician or plumber. I believe this implementation is very safe, and the R3D device is intrinsically safe, per the Rochester specifications. Having noted that, install this solution at your own risk. Please feel free to contact me if you find any information you feel is incorrect.



Marantz Control Protocol Doc Indigo 6.x-7

IP/Serial Control Protocol Document for all Marantz receivers.

Updated May 2013

From Marantz tech support


Python script for controling Samsung Smart TV Indigo 5.x-6

With this script I can turn of my Samsung TV in the kitchen. Control codes are included for other functions like changing channels, volume or input. The only thing it cannot do is turn on a TV. Wake On Lan was available a short time but Samsung disabled that possibility in a firmware upgrade.

All credits go to the good folks at the Samygo forum who disected the iPhone/Android remote app.


SMA Sunnyboy Solar Inverter (SMASpot) Indigo 6.x-7

Imports values from solar inverters made by SMA - the SunnyBoy line. This may work with other inverters that SMASpot supports. You must have SMASpot installed. Script also generates variables for IndigoPlotD for easier addition of all the data to graphs if you have that system running.


Xytronix Temperature Module - Update Version 2.0 Indigo 2.x-4.x

The Xytronix Temperature module can read up to 4 electronic thermometers and this AppleScript passes the temperature readings along to Indigo. The Temperature Module connects to your Local Area Network (or via the internet with proper routing).

Getting accurate and reliable temperature data is an important part of improving overall energy efficiency. Automatically controlling windows, shutters and shades, whole-house fans, heat exchangers, solar hot water", and much more is possible using Indigo, AppleScript and the Xytronix Temperature module.

Miscellaneous (11 files)

Type Name Version Overview

Graphics & Icons

Alternative Weather Icons Indigo 5.x-6


Here's a complete, I hope, set of NOAA weather icons that are named as the originals for ease of use.

Aside from being different graphically I have also modified the icons that are below a 50% probability to not reflect that weather

condition and instead show a "Fair" condition. IMHO it's more accurate to show the most likely condition to occur.


Graphics & Icons

Christmas Icons for Control Pages Indigo 5.x-6

Zip file with Christmas Tree and Christmas String Lights for use with control pages for Devices. Heuristics set for "On" and "Off" states.

DISCLAIMER: I don't remember where I got the Christmas Tree images's, but I fairly certain I got them from this website, so not claiming those as original work.

The Christmas String lights are taken from a Google search, where I just desaturated the "Off" state, and left the "On" state colorized.

Graphics & Icons

CP Icons Indigo 5.x-6

Various icons for TV, HVAC, lighting etc.


How to build a relay box for your Appliancelinc Indigo 2.x-4.x

This How-to PDF shows you how to build a relay box so that an Appliancelinc can control a very small load, like LED bulbs.

Graphics & Icons

Korey's control page graphics Indigo 2022.2+

Here are the images used in my control pages


Label template for RemoteLinc 2440 Indigo 2.x-4.x

This is a simple PDF template that, when cut to the tick-marks, will fit nicely in a RemoteLinc 2440. It requires some kind of graphics application that can open and edit PDFs such as Adobe Illustrator or Acrobat in order to put in your own terms or change the colors. It's currently designed for a black RemoteLinc. If you want to make your own the size of the template is 2.43" x 1.27". If you want to match the font used on the RemoteLinc, I think it's Futura Medium.

Graphics & Icons

Phil's Control Page Icons Indigo 5.x-6

Phils iPhone control page icons Apple style. Includes all the PNG files needed to build the example interface in my post.

See my post

Graphics & Icons

Powered by Indigo Logo Indigo 5.x-6

Saw a request some time ago for something like this. It's a transparent .png so it will work on most any background.

Graphics & Icons

Status column 0-100% Indigo 6.x-7

Status column 0-100% for use in Control Page. 10 x png files(10% increase). I use it to display status of a light bulb.


Variable Watcher Indigo 2022.2+

This script replaces the old thermostat processor AppleScript. We renamed it variable watcher because it can be used for a variety of solutions rather than specifically for thermostat scheduling.

Graphics & Icons

Weather Icons for Weather Underground Indigo 2.x-4.x

A collection of nice weather icons as transparent PNG's for use with the Weather Underground script.

Reporting and Notification (2 files)

Type Name Version Overview


Indigo JSON Broadcaster to InfluxDB script Indigo 7+


This accepts the output from the indigo-json-broadcaster plugin and sends it onward to influxdb.


Low Battery Notification Script Indigo 6.x-7

Click on the More Information button above to see the details.

Web Related (12 files)