Yamaha RX Receiver  

Developer: Open Source Plugins
Category: A/V and IR Equipment
Github: Github Repo
Assistance: Get help!   
Plugin ID: io.thechad.indigoplugin.yamaharx
Latest release: v2022.0.3 released on Oct. 3, 2023
Release downloaded: 27 times
Requires: Indigo v2022.1.0 or higher
(Check the Releases tab below for older releases that may have different requirements)
  Download latest release


This is a plugin for the Indigo smart home server that integrates the Yamaha RX-V series A/V receivers. The receiver must have some kind of network connection (wired Ethernet, WiFi). Serial control is not supported.


  1. Indigo 7 or later
  2. Yamaha RX-V Series A/V Receiver (needs to be accessible via network from the box hosting your Indigo server)
  3. It appears that RX-A Series Receivers work as well (an RX-A3070 and RX-1070 have been tested by a user). Just use the RX-Vx73 receiver type.

Installation Instructions

  1. Download latest release here. If you're using Indigo 6, you can download the 0.1.1 release instead, but note that it only supports the RX-V3900. Support for newer receivers requires v1.0.0 or later.
  2. Follow standard plugin installation process

Compatible Hardware

This plugin supports both the RX-V3900 and the RX-Vx73 (RX-V473, RX-V573, RX-V673, RX-V773) receiver line. Other Yahama RX-V receivers that use the same command API may also work (the RX-A3070 and RX0A1070 have been tested and seem to work.


Select the appropriate receiver when creating a new receiver in Indigo. If you choose RX-Vx73, the config dialog should show a popup with the available receivers on your network. If your network doesn't show in the list, it may be because it's not configured to operate in network standby mode. Confirm that Network Standby is turned on. If that doesn't solve the issue, you may manually specify the IP address for the receiver (your router may be blocking the discovery protocol).

Actions Supported by All Receivers

  • Set Volume
  • Increase Volume
  • Decrease Volume
  • Set Mute
  • Toggle Mute
  • Set Power
  • Toggle Power
  • Set Sleep
  • Get Status

Additional Actions Supported by RX-Vx73 (and compatible) Receivers

  • Set Zone - specify the zone that future commands will go to (where applicable) - untested until we have someone with a multizone amp to test against
  • Menu Up, Menu Down, Menu Left, Menu Right, Menu Select, Menu Return - to navigate the menus when an input is selected that presents menus on the receiver itself. Note - in our testing, left/right don't work reliably, but using select and return seem to work consistently and do pretty much the same thing.
  • Play Net Radio Station (Experimental) - specify the path to a network radio station (we've seen mixed results using the rxv library to do this - sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't)

States Exposed

  • power (On, Standby)
  • sleep (Off,30,60,90,120)
  • volume (float)
  • mute (bool)
  • input * RX-V3900: (sirius, xm, tuner, multi_ch, phono, cd, tv, md.cd-r, bd.hd_dvd, dvd, cbl.sat, dvr, vcr, v-aux, dock, pc.mcx, net_radio, rhapsody, usb) * RX-Vx73: (based on receiver capability - input list is dynamically generated for the set input action)


The original author of the plugin (discgolfer1138) did not apply a license, so there is none. v1.0.0 and later uses a modified version of the rxv library (included in the plugin and in this repo for ease of installation). See the LICENSE file in Yamaha RX.indigoPlugin/Contents/Server Plugin/rxv for details.

rxv Library Changes

The included rxv library has the following changes:

  • Added timeout to the RXV object that allows specification of a timeout value on all network communications. The default network timeout is 30 seconds which can cause significant delays in plugin processing so by shortening it to 5 seconds we can more quickly determine if a receiver is no longer available on the network and react accordingly.


Sometimes the receiver's status will change to unavailable - this means that the plugin is having a problem communicating with it. This can happen for a variety of reasons, but one in particular seems to be an issue in our testing. When the network radio input is selected, it will periodically become busy, presumably trying to query for updated radio stations, and this will cause all other network communication to stop. So, apparently the receiver has a single network connection that it uses for everything. Unfortunately, we can't tell the difference between one of these times and when the receiver is actually offline (unplugged or otherwise unavailable on the network).

Release details
Released on: Oct. 3, 2023
Requires: Indigo v2022.1.0+
Downloaded: 27 times 
Changes in this release

This release is compatible with Indigo versions starting with Indigo 2021.2.

What's Changed

  • Python 3 update for Indigo 2022.1+ by @autolog in https://github.com/IndigoDomotics/indigo-yamaharx/pull/18

New Contributors

  • @autolog made their first contribution in https://github.com/IndigoDomotics/indigo-yamaharx/pull/18

Full Changelog: https://github.com/IndigoDomotics/indigo-yamaharx/compare/1.0.4...2022.0.3

Release details
Released on: Dec. 11, 2018
Requires: Indigo v7.0.2 thru v2022.2
Downloaded: 194 times 
Changes in this release

Added an AUDIO3 input and added the icon to the plugin bundle.

Release details
Released on: Aug. 10, 2017
Requires: Indigo v7.0.2 thru v2022.2
Downloaded: 126 times 
Changes in this release

Add Audio1 and Audio2 input selectors.

Release details
Released on: May 22, 2017
Requires: Indigo v7.0.2 thru v2022.2
Downloaded: 40 times 
Changes in this release

Added a toggle switch in the plugin's config dialog that will allow you to turn on/off debug logging in the event log. Download the attached zip file (unzip if necessary) then double-click the Yahama RX.indigoPlugin file to install.

Release details
Released on: May 22, 2017
Requires: Indigo v7.0.2 thru v2022.2
Downloaded: 16 times 
Changes in this release

Apparently some RX receivers have 5 HDMI inputs, but the state enumeration in Devices.xml didn't have it. The ultimate fix would be to have that state enumeration generated dynamically, but this will suffice. Also attempted to add Pandora as noted elsewhere. Download the attached zip file (unzip if necessary) then double-click the Yahama RX.indigoPlugin file to install.

Release details
Released on: March 10, 2017
Requires: Indigo v7.0.2 thru v2022.2
Changes in this release

Added support for the RX-Vx73 (and compatible) receivers using the rxv library (included). Download the source then double-click the plugin (inside the indigo-yamaharx-1.0.0 folder) to install.