Developer: Karl's Plugins     Like this plugin? Show your appreciation!
Category: Reporting/UI/Control Pages
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Plugin ID: com.karlwachs.INDIGOplotD
Latest release: v2022.21.81 released on April 2, 2024
Release downloaded: 3 times
Requires: Indigo v2022.1.0 or higher
(Check the Releases tab below for older releases that may have different requirements)
  Download latest release


plugin for indigo to do plots of data

Release details
Released on: April 2, 2024
Requires: Indigo v2022.1.0+
Downloaded: 3 times 
Changes in this release

- position of R label ( was at ~ 30 deg.) - angle of R tick numbers (was def 30 deg)

Release details
Released on: Feb. 1, 2024
Requires: Indigo v2022.1.0+
Downloaded: 0 times 
Changes in this release
  1. change sqlite path to default directory, removed option in config to change it. it is now always: /Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 20xx.y/Logs this removes an issue when indigo changes its directory, i.e. moving from 2023.2 to 2023.3 this path is also used if you use psql, not only for sqlite
Release details
Released on: June 22, 2022
Requires: Indigo v2022.1.0+
Downloaded: 0 times 
Changes in this release

fixed: save config write error, executed once at midnight

Release details
Released on: May 26, 2022
Requires: Indigo v7.0.2 thru v2022.2
Downloaded: 0 times 
Changes in this release

fixed: unicode error

Release details
Released on: May 25, 2022
Requires: Indigo v7.0.2 thru v2022.2
Downloaded: 0 times 
Changes in this release

fixed: sql produced file with bad data INDIGOplotD Error 'could not convert string to float:

Release details
Released on: May 18, 2022
Requires: Indigo v7.0.2 thru v2022.2
Downloaded: 0 times 
Changes in this release

fixed settings for indigo 2022.1

Release details
Released on: Jan. 1, 2021
Requires: Indigo v7.0.2 thru v2022.2
Downloaded: 0 times 
Changes in this release

make /Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo x.y/Logs/ default path to indigo sql db

Release details
Released on: Aug. 7, 2020
Requires: Indigo v7.0.2 thru v2022.2
Downloaded: 1 times 
Changes in this release

added " (psql) and [] (sqllite) around column names in sql queries to allow eg index as name

Release details
Released on: May 27, 2020
Requires: Indigo v7.0.2 thru v2022.2
Downloaded: 0 times 
Changes in this release

set psql command string to default (w warning) if command is too short or does not contain psql

Release details
Released on: March 26, 2020
Requires: Indigo v7.0.2 thru v2022.2
Downloaded: 0 times 
Changes in this release

added measurement "delta Max" as compared to delta average of value this - last time bin

Release details
Released on: Feb. 11, 2020
Requires: Indigo v7.0.2 thru v2022.2
Downloaded: 0 times 
Changes in this release

changes in v7.20.69 @ 2019-10-12

  1. fixed nickname functionality
  2. fixed width of histogram bars
  3. fixed some menu items referencing old paths now all pointing to the indigo directories

changes in v7.20.68 @ 2019-10-10

  1. added try/ except around individual lines in matplot, in case one line does not work the others get plotted

changes in v7.20.67 @ 2019-08-12

  1. added measurement first and last. the data shown will only use the first /last data in that time bin.

changes in v7.19.67 @ 2019-08-12

  1. worked on plotting external files

changes in v7.19.66 @ 2019-08-12

  1. added action to reload sql data for ONE device/state/variable
  2. some spelling fixes

changes in v7.19.65 @ 2019-08-11

  1. added option to show todays data yesterday in setup line chhose shift line = -1day
Release details
Released on: Nov. 8, 2018
Requires: Indigo v7.0.2 thru v2022.2
Downloaded: 0 times 
Changes in this release

fixed error:'Plugin' object has no attribute 'pr'

Release details
Released on: Nov. 8, 2018
Requires: Indigo v7.0.2 thru v2022.2
Downloaded: 0 times 
Changes in this release
  • added time debugging. ie track where cpu is spend.
  • logfile is now called plugin.log, not indigoplotd.log
Release details
Released on: Sept. 30, 2018
Requires: Indigo v6.1.5 thru v2022.2
Downloaded: 0 times 
Changes in this release

adopted new indigo path 7.2


indigo 6

Release details
Released on: Aug. 12, 2018
Requires: Indigo v6.1.5 thru v2022.2
Changes in this release



indigo 7

Release details
Released on: July 23, 2018
Requires: Indigo v6.1.5 thru v2022.2
Changes in this release

fixed SQL import bug for menu import single device/state . Was not properly initialized fixed SQL import bug for LARGE files. Sometimes the file was not completely finished exporting while indigoplotd started read and only read the first part of the file was imported


indigo 6

Release details
Released on: March 20, 2018
Requires: Indigo v6.1.5 thru v2022.2
Changes in this release

has now the following x axis for options: 1. off = leave # of ticks and date format to GNUPLOT or MATPLOT 2. blanks, use indigoplotD suggestions 3 A) GNUPLOT: %forat + ticks every xx seconds eg %H:M+2*3600 will show Hour:Min every 2 hours 3 B) MATPLOT use multiplier eg 0.1 1(default) 2 3 4 5 12 to decrease / increase # of ticks shows compared to indigoplotD suggestions


indigo 6

Release details
Released on: March 18, 2018
Requires: Indigo v6.1.5 thru v2022.2
Changes in this release

currently only for GNUPLOT added filed to set 1. format of x ticks ( %m/%d-%H= month/day-hour) 2. frequency of x ticks in seconds eg 3*3600 puts month/day-hour every 3 hours on the x-axis

enter: >>%m/%d-%H+12*3600<< in Format scale



indigo 6+

Release details
Released on: March 14, 2018
Requires: Indigo v6.1.5 thru v2022.2
Changes in this release

the reset period for event counts was set to 0 during restart of plugin.


indigo 6

Release details
Released on: March 6, 2018
Requires: Indigo v6.1.5 thru v2022.2
Changes in this release

fixed bug that was introduces in the previous version (a "-" sign was missing)


indigo 6

Release details
Released on: March 3, 2018
Requires: Indigo v6.1.5 thru v2022.2
Changes in this release

sql import bug fix


indigo 6 +

Release details
Released on: Feb. 27, 2018
Requires: Indigo v6.1.5 thru v2022.2
Changes in this release

added indigo store version check added eventCOUNT measurement: ** this measurement type counts all events (any entry in sql logger that is not 0 and adds them up. then at selected reset point the count goes to zero. reset points can be day, week, month, year.

this is useful if you have short events that go up/down in 1 - 3 secs so that the normal average months do not necessarily catch them . The normal counts measurement checks the value of the device/.state once a minute. What ever the state is then is used. This events count measurement checks all sql entries and will not miss any. In comparison to event UP or DOWN orANY count adds the # of events up. So if you have 20 events in 1 hour "eventsCOUNT" would show ONE point at y = 20; "eventsUP" would show 20 points at y=1 at the exact event times hour:mim:secs. "eventsDOWN" would also show 20 but at the points where the signal goes from 1 to 0. "events ANY" would show 40 entries.


indigo 7

Release details
Released on: Feb. 17, 2018
Requires: Indigo v6.1.5 thru v2022.2
Changes in this release

plugin now offers "event count" type lines.

in menue define data sources select measurement type event count

then in plots select this selection for a line

it plots the following quality: for each bin (5 minutes/1 hour/1 day) if counts the number of events in the data where the data was updated in indigo and was > 0. eg assume 5min 10 secs data was 1 6 min15 secs data was 0 7 min 35 secs data was 1 8 min 12 sec data was 0 10 min 1 sec data was 1 then the count value would be 2 for the 5 minute bin

This can be used to show eg how often a door was opened each hour

This is different than the regular count measurement. That measurement only tests the data once per minute at 58 secs and uses what ever the value is at that point in time. So if you have SHORT event types where a values goes up just for eg 3 seconds the regular count measurement would likely miss that.


indie 6

Release details
Released on: Feb. 13, 2018
Requires: Indigo v6.1.5 thru v2022.2
Changes in this release

besides numbers the plugin recognizes: if ( val== u"TRUE" or val== u"T" or val== u"ON" or val== u"HOME" or val== u"YES" or val== u"SI" or val== u"JA" or val== u"IGEN" or val== u"OUI" or val== u"UP" or val== u"OPEN" or val== u"CLEAR" ): return 1.0 elif ( val== u"FALSE" or val== u"F" or val== u"AWAY" or val== u"OFF" or val== u"NO" or val== u"NEIN" or val== u"NEM" or val== u"NON" or val== u"DOWN" or val== u"CLOSED" or val== u"FAULTED" or val== u"FAULT" or val== u"EXPIRED" ): return 0.0

as 0 /1


indigo 6

Release details
Released on: Feb. 13, 2018
Requires: Indigo v6.1.5 thru v2022.2
Changes in this release

the plugin now recognizes added QUI / NON as 1/0 in data besides --0/1 --yes/no --/true/false == ..


indigo 6

Release details
Released on: Jan. 9, 2018
Requires: Indigo v6.1.5 thru v2022.2
Changes in this release
  1. fixed bug for ";" delimted input files, bug was introduced with "events" feature
  2. fixed some typos and improved the help text in device edit, ie how to configure x-format for self defined xaxis
  3. fixed bug for RGB selection in device edit

indigo v 6

Release details
Released on: Nov. 29, 2017
Requires: Indigo v6.0.0 thru v2022.2
Changes in this release

base release


indigo 6