Paradox Alarm  

Developer: Glenn's Plugins     Like this plugin? Show your appreciation!
Category: Security & Locks
Github: Github Repo
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Plugin ID: com.GlennNZ.indigoplugin.ParadoxAlarm
Latest release: v0.3.2 released on May 12, 2022
Requires: Indigo v2022.1.0 or higher
(Check the Releases tab below for older releases that may have different requirements)
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Paradox Alarm IndigoPlugin

For Zone status, & Control of MG5050, SP6000 Paradox Alarm systems.


  • MG5050 V4 IP150 Fully supported using the MG5050 mappings
  • SP6000 IP150 Supported using the MG5050 mappings
  • SP65 ? Supported
  • EVO Series Unknown... (labels apparently not working)

Needs IP150 Model connected to Alarm System. Like this one:

Beta plugin at the moment - Zone and Alarm control working well for myself at the moment - so may not get time to get back to it. Thought reasonable as fills hole to release as Beta currently and can see how others go.


Pretty Basic - biggest part is passwords and IP Address:

Passwords as per the Config Screen.

Then Create Main Device:

Then Create as many Zone Sensors devices as you have/wish to monitor


The plugin captures a lot of Alarm information and additionally triggers on it all.


With the plugin you can enable, disable, arm, stay-d, sleep mode turn on/turn off and enable PGM's

Release details
Released on: May 12, 2022
Requires: Indigo v2022.1.0+
Changes in this release

Paradox, Spectra, Magnellan Plugin for IndigoDomo

Complete python3 re-write of plugin using uptodate python 3 PAI library. Enables far broader support and potential for increased support.

Alarm control PGM Control Zone Sensing -- all functioning

Triggering limited functionality. All Device states update appropriately - and best to trigger on device state change currently

Release details
Released on: May 16, 2020
Requires: Indigo v7.0.2 thru v2022.2
Changes in this release


Fix for reconnection error messaging