DoorBird plugin feature request - Single device option

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Tue Jul 31, 2018 3:54 am
kwijibo007 offline
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DoorBird plugin feature request - Single device option

As requested by berkinet here: [url][/url]

berkinet wrote:
kwijibo007 wrote:
berkinet wrote:
I have a suggestion: In the Device configuration dialog allow the user to select from a set of states to be reported, probably by check boxes. Then, those who want separate devices can have their needs met, and so can users like myself who only want one device.

I can add this functionality without too much effort. How would you like the bell/motion event custom states to read? Would a simple "last motion detected" & "last bell press" detected suffice? This would display a time/date value showing the last time the bell/motion were detected. This way you can create a trigger based on any change to this field?
I was thinking something like...
    Select the activity to report in the Device table state column::
    O System Status
    O Motion events
    O Doorbell keypress

Then based on the selection above, two of the following three options would appear (I.e. the option matching the choice above would be hidden...
    Select additional information to display in custom states
    [ ] System Status
    [ ] Motion events
    [ ] Doorbell keypress

Then the states associated with the current 3 device types (plus one additional state equivalent to the current onOffState) would be included for the options selected plus one additional state equivalent to the current onOffState. I.e.
For System Status
For Motion Events
For Doorbell keypress Events

In this manner, the user could build three separate devices, each essentially identical to what you have today. Or, they could build a device combining the capabilities of two or three of the current devices. Note, for the "main" function (to be displayed in the Device State column) the onOff and lastChange states would be essentially duplicated. While not necessary, this would allow for consistency in all devices.

Posted on
Tue Jul 31, 2018 4:12 am
kwijibo007 offline
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Re: DoorBird plugin feature request - Single device option

Thanks for the suggestion, I think it has real merit.

I'd like to meet you three quarters of the way there :D

I think each Doorbird needs a "primary" device. This device stores the username/password, accepts and decrypts the UDP packets and stores universal states (firmware / mac/ etc.).

To the primary device I'll add additional states for:


For simplicity, these states will be updated whenever the device status, motion or doorbell are activated.

As you suggested, I'll add an option to choose what the device table state column displays - either device, motion or doorbell.

The additional Motion and Doorbell devices will remain as optional devices (as they currently are).

In this configuration you can have multiple devices (as it currently stands), or one single device displaying all states with an option to choose the functionality of the device table state column (as requested).

How does this sound?


Posted on
Tue Jul 31, 2018 4:43 am
berkinet offline
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Re: DoorBird plugin feature request - Single device option

kwijibo007 wrote:
Thanks for the suggestion, I think it has real merit.

I'd like to meet you three quarters of the way there :D

How does this sound?

It sounds perfect.

Posted on
Sun Aug 05, 2018 5:40 am
kwijibo007 offline
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Re: DoorBird plugin feature request - Single device option

Just released an update to the plugin (0.4.0) which includes the changes discussed in this topic:


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