Old Infrequent Indigo User needs Help reading Error Log

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Sun Dec 11, 2022 5:44 pm
akimball offline
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Old Infrequent Indigo User needs Help reading Error Log

Hi, I implemented my Indigo driven home system with about 80% insteon, 15% z-wave, and a bit of coding.... it was 7 years ago and I used a bit of AppleScript and just a tiny bit of python 2. I've let the home run pretty much "hands off" for two or three years now and there is ALOT of red ink creeping into my error log. Broken links, a few hundred devices total, but some of which I wrote AppleScript or python for, and I think the AppleScript was replaced or disabled in one of the updates, but still, I need to go through the whole system and fix lots of stuff. Now I'm fighting disabled plugins to boot which may not be too bad. Too many plugins can be bad anyway.

Parts of the error log has messages like:

Error "Porch.Rear - KPL.Lights" raw insteon command; send failed (no acknowledgment)
INSTEON Commands Error Failed to get current LED states for device 427003712 - aborting
INSTEON Commands Error Error in plugin execution ExecuteAction:

File "plugin.py", line 1157, in setKPLLeds
type: key id 627499799 not found in database

...which is great except how do I make sense out of that 5th line that references plugin.py, line 1157 (what does this point to?) and the name "setKPLLeds" looks like something that I maybe wrote, but I can't find anything called setKPLLeds in my actions items... and that last line, what is a key id?

Is there a basic article on how to interpret the indigo error log? And is there any way to search the error log without pasting the whole thing into BBEDIT?

Any help or pointers to articles ... I feel like a newbie again since I put it down for a few short years and I'm getting older... my memory isn't what it was.


Last edited by akimball on Sun Dec 11, 2022 5:53 pm, edited 3 times in total.


Posted on
Sun Dec 11, 2022 5:46 pm
akimball offline
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Re: Old Infrequent Indigo User needs Help reading Error Log

Oh, and how can I find code snippets that I may have written years ago but now can't even remember doing it? :) Is there a way to let indigo show me all of my code snippets?


Posted on
Sun Dec 11, 2022 6:04 pm
ryanbuckner offline
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Re: Old Infrequent Indigo User needs Help reading Error Log

Here's the documentation for the Error Log : https://wiki.indigodomo.com/doku.php?id=indigo_2022.1_documentation:ui_tour#event_log_window

A few questions that would help us:
1) What version of the OS are you running ?
2) What version of Indigo are you running?

Your errors look to me that there is lots of traffic on your network and your Insteon KPL is not acknowledging the commands being sent to it. If there have been no changes, this has happened to me when one or more of the Insteon devices on the network have started to go bad. TheAs for your re's plenty of troubleshooting to do before coming to that conclusion tho.

As for finding your code snippets, there's a plugin that was created to find your old AppleScript and a forum that helps you port your code to Python. Although you could probably get GPT-3 to convert your code for you. Check this out : https://forums.indigodomo.com/viewtopic.php?f=124&t=20916&p=162612&hilit=find+action+groups+that+run+code#p162612

Posted on
Sun Dec 11, 2022 6:56 pm
akimball offline
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Re: Old Infrequent Indigo User needs Help reading Error Log

Hi Ryan, thank you for the help. I will go over the error log document this evening; very helpful thanks again.

1) Latest Mac OS 12.6 Monterey running on a 2018 Mac mini which has been upgraded to 32-GB ram.
2) Latest Indigo 2022.1

The home is large with about 20 rooms, and all rooms have a FanLinc with ceiling light and fan, at least one KPL, at least one LampLinc, and whatever extra stuff exists in that room. There are about 400 non-virtual devices in my device list but also there are about 100 devices out doors (mostly hue's). Something like 25 motion sensors and 35 leak sensors. Using Insteon IO modules I even added glass break sensors on the first floor.

Your observation about the Insteon KPL probably applies. The KPL exists on a cold exterior wall although on the inside of the home and it's about 30F outside right now. It lives together peacefully with about 4 to 6 other Insteon KPL's and switchLinc's... depending on which KPL button you press. I remember trying to keep all of the KPL's LED's in sync back when I installed them and it was frustrating.

Lately, this year, I'm all about simplicity. I have found that I DESPARATELY need to simplify everything and want to go with bullet-proof reliability in mind.

This is embarrassing, but as I've gotten older these last 2 or 3 years, I'm noticing that I don't have the memory that I used to have. I can learn Python3, but I don't remember learning Python2. So as long as I keep it current, it stays with me. This is why I think I need to back off on the automation because with my memory dimming, in another 10 years I might be qualified to run for President. ;)

That plugin to search for AppleScript... very good to know that it exists and I'll watch for it.

Thank you. -al


Posted on
Mon Dec 12, 2022 10:10 am
jay (support) offline
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Re: Old Infrequent Indigo User needs Help reading Error Log

akimball wrote:
Code: Select all
   INSTEON Commands Error          Error in plugin execution ExecuteAction:

  File "plugin.py", line 1157, in setKPLLeds
type: key id 627499799 not found in database

This means that you have removed a KPL from your system that is stored in an action that sets KPL LEDs. Unfortunately, we don't know where that is based on the error message - hopefully you can look through the actions that set LEDs and find that ID.

Jay (Indigo Support)
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