Anyone working on a security devices plugin?

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Sun Oct 02, 2011 5:47 am
gregjsmith offline
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Anyone working on a security devices plugin?

So security devices like the DS10a show up as real devices in the interface?

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Sun Oct 02, 2011 7:02 am
bschollnick2 offline
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Re: Anyone working on a security devices plugin?

gregjsmith wrote:
So security devices like the DS10a show up as real devices in the interface?

Yes, I am updating the Security script to work as a plugin, but at this point, I am waiting on Matt & Jay to finish the X10 security API in v5.
Without that, I can't finish the updated plugin.

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Posted on
Sun Oct 23, 2011 10:33 am
gregjsmith offline
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Re: Anyone working on a security devices plugin?

Thanks. I'm looking forward to it and thank you for all the work your doing on these plugins.

Posted on
Mon Nov 28, 2011 10:39 am
bschollnick2 offline
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working on a security devices plugin? - Update 11/28/2011

I am finishing the User Interface, and starting to work on the plugin code at this point. I am expecting to have it ready for testing within the next week or so. Anyone that would like to help test this, please contact me at Benjamin AT schollnick DOT net.

But I want to discuss some changes.

First, I am considering changing the name of the Security Devices plugin, it does not describe the plugin properly.
Anyone that has any suggestions for a more descriptive name, please feel
In version 4, I introduced a new feature that allowed the Security Script to automatically call an Action group depending on the activity of the sensor. For example, the front door sensor would be set to use the "Frontdoor" named action group... So when the front door sensor triggered an Opened command, the Frontdoor_Opened action group would be triggered. In the same situation when the Closed command was seen, the Frontdoor_Closed action group would be triggered.

The new plugin will actually monitor any type of Insteon device, and X10 device. So, for security devices, the extended security features will still be available. But now, you can have the Plugin monitor LampLincs, ApplianceLincs, KeypadLincs, etc.

The plugin does not replace Indigo's built-in functionality, but instead it allows you easy ways to make groups of devices, that respond to the incoming actions...

So for example, let's say you have a walk way that has two doors in it. The lights are controlled by Insteon devices, and there are door sensors...

You can have both doors trigger the lights, when opened, and with auto-off abilities. With the built-in Indigo you would need to make individual trigger actions, for each door, and each condition. So 4 trigger actions (door 1 Open, Door 1 close, door 2 open, door 2 close).

With the plugin, you will only need to make two action groups (Walkway_Opened, Walkway_Closed). You won't need to make trigger actions for any devices that are enrolled in a Monitored Device Group. (But you can make Pure Indigo Triggers for these devices as well, this plugin enhances Indigo's built-in functionality....)

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Posted on
Sat Dec 10, 2011 10:43 am
gregjsmith offline
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Re: Anyone working on a security devices plugin?

I emailed you about beta tests and didn't hear back. Did you get it?

Posted on
Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:17 pm
bschollnick2 offline
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Re: Anyone working on a security devices plugin?

gregjsmith wrote:
I emailed you about beta tests and didn't hear back. Did you get it?

Yes, but between work and real life, I've been having limited time to program. Mainly the weekends...

Right now, I'm working on the Insteon portion, and the X10 aspect after that...

Once I have a reasonable stable version, I will make an announcement, and contact the folks that have requested beta testing access...

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Posted on
Thu Dec 15, 2011 2:21 pm
bschollnick2 offline
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Re: Anyone working on a security devices plugin?

So, I will be shortly testing the X10 functionality of the Switchboard plugin (Formerly known as Security plugin)....

Right now there are "three" types of devices in the plugin.

1) Monitored Device Groups - This is a grouping of devices that you want to trigger an "action".
So for example, The Exterior doors of the house. Or the Lights in the Recreation room being turned off.
Or the heat lamps in the Fish / Turtle Tank.

This device contains the information for what is going to happen. For example, trigger an Action Group to be fired off.
It also contains the optional settings (Speak something when this is triggered, Send an email, etc)

2) X10 Monitored Device - Since there is no native X10 Security devices, I have created a X10 place holder.
Define the X10 Security ID, and the system will monitor for that ID. (The intention is for this to be added
to A Monitored Device Group.)

3) Timed Profile(s) - When a Monitored Device group is triggered, one option is for a "Timed Activation Device" to be triggered.
For example, in my configuration, my Timed Activation Device is an X10 Chime that will alert us when an exterior door is opened.
You can set how long the device is left on, along with preventing the timed device from activating if it has been triggered within
the last X minutes... This allows you to configure the device once, and use it within multiple Monitored Device Groups. (Or you
can configure multiple variants, and use them as needed....)

You can choose to independently monitor just X10 and/or Insteon traffic...

My main concern is that this is a totally brand new version of the tool, and it is breaking away from the old model...
I am concerned that I may have missed an assumption of mine that may require rethinking of this model....

That being said, this is one reason I will be making the plugin available to beta testers, to get this feedback and see what changes may need to be added.

The first version is going to be a subset of what is available currently in the Applescript version of the security script... I will be taking feedback, and adding in requested features as possible...

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Posted on
Thu Dec 15, 2011 3:11 pm
jay (support) offline
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Re: Anyone working on a security devices plugin?

I'm not sure I'm following exactly what you're talking about, but here's some thoughts:

1) So basically this is a new device that has some state(s) that change when some state in a member of the group has a change? That seems reasonable, thought adding in optional actions doesn't seem to be useful at the device config level. Why not just create custom actions if none of the built-in actions work.

2) This just implements X10 security devices that Indigo doesn't support natively - that's great.

3) This one I'm not following very well. Seems to me like again what you want is to provide a custom action that starts some action, part of it's config would be to specify a duration. That way, the action can be used in any trigger/schedule. Maybe it's multiple actions depending on what needs to happen during the activated period. It's possible I'm just not getting what you're trying to accomplish here though. You'll definitely want to provide separate actions to cancel a currently in progress action.

Just some thoughts.

Jay (Indigo Support)
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Posted on
Fri Dec 16, 2011 8:20 am
bschollnick2 offline
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Re: Anyone working on a security devices plugin?

jay wrote:
1) So basically this is a new device that has some state(s) that change when some state in a member of the group has a change? That seems reasonable, thought adding in optional actions doesn't seem to be useful at the device config level. Why not just create custom actions if none of the built-in actions work.

Remember, this is an evolution from the Security Script. Especially from the Action Group support from the v4 Security Script.
Indigo can duplicate this, but not as easily or as seamlessly.

What happens here is that you can either choose to activate a single device, or have Switchboard activate an Action Group.

Now if you choose Action group, Switchboard will take the status of the device that triggers it, and postpend it to the action group.

So for example:

Action Group Name is: Door_Alarm

If the device is Opened, Door_Alarm_Opened would be triggered. If closed, Door_Alarm_Closed would be triggered. If it's a light, Door_Alarm_On or Door_Alarm_Off would be triggered. etc...etc...

That is, of course, supposing that those action groups existed....

This prevents the need for the Trigger rules to be made, and if you decide to rename them, all you have to do is update a single Monitored Device Group record.

jay wrote:
2) This just implements X10 security devices that Indigo doesn't support natively - that's great.

Along with support for action group, as above...

jay wrote:
3) This one I'm not following very well. Seems to me like again what you want is to provide a custom action that starts some action, part of it's config would be to specify a duration. That way, the action can be used in any trigger/schedule. Maybe it's multiple actions depending on what needs to happen during the activated period. It's possible I'm just not getting what you're trying to accomplish here though. You'll definitely want to provide separate actions to cancel a currently in progress action.

Once again, remember, this is a generalization of the Security script.

It might help to know that I originally was going to call these PulseDevices. The concept is the same as the "Chime Alarm" in the old security script.

Let's say a door opens, and you want to be alerted. The security script could activate a "Chime" and turn it on for a set amount of time.
Now I have generalized this to allow any Insteon / X10 device that is in Indigo's database to be used.

The most obvious choice is that if DOOR X is opened, activate the Hallway light for 7 minutes, and then automatically turn it off. Yes, you could customize a trigger to do this, but the entire idea of the Switchboard / Security script is that you don't need to make triggers, the plugin or script handles it for you. You just need to tell the script / plugin what it should do.

Yes a trigger can auto-off the device, but then you need to know what trigger to update if you change it. With Switchboard, you are making a "Timed Profile", that contains the information on what Device you wish to control, and for how long to keep the device on for, and how often the device should be triggered.

How Often the device should be triggered, you are asking? Yes, remember, this has evolved from the Security script. A Door alarm chime, if it went off every single time might become annoying. It can be set to Every Time, or to ignore requests for the next X Seconds/Minutes.... This can't be done with plain triggers....

The major difference between the security script and Switchboard is that I have realized in v4 of the Security plugin is that this can be generalized. I really didn't need to focus only on the security sensors. Having the kitchen light being turned on, could also be significant, and could automatically trigger the kitchen fan... And vice versa.

Yes, there is some duplication of features (e.g. Triggers) between Switchboard and the built-in Trigger functionality in Indigo. And yes, if the user wanted to set down and write a ton of triggers the functionality could be duplicated without the plugin.

But consider a real world comparison that will highlight the difference between the Indigo (Native way) and using Switchboard.

If you were to try to duplicate Switchboard's ability, you would need to create at least 2 (or more) triggers for each device you wanted to monitor. Of course, that number will vary, depending on what statuses the device can generate. This means at least 2 (On & Off), but other statuses are possible (e.g. Panic, Alarm Armed, Alarm Disarmed, All Lights Off, All Lights On, etc). For each status that you want to monitor, that another 2 triggers.

I am going to say that we are going to monitor 6 devices, and let's simplify the scenario, and say they are ApplianceLincs... That's 12 triggers to that you would need to create, and maintain. If it's a LampLinc, that's at least 24 triggers (On / Off / All Lights On / All Lights Off)...And don't forget creating at least two action groups (On / Off), that you will associate with those triggers.

This plugin would require a single MonitoredDeviceGroup, the 6 devices would be added to the device group.... Assuming they are Insteon devices, you wouldn't even need to create a "special" device, you would just enroll the 6 devices from the Indigo Device List. Click On the Use Action Group Check box, and type in the root name of the Action Group. You would just need to type the Action Group root name in once...

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Posted on
Fri Dec 16, 2011 8:24 am
gregjsmith offline
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Re: Anyone working on a security devices plugin?

Will this script monitor the heartbeat of x10 security devices?

Posted on
Fri Dec 16, 2011 9:55 am
bschollnick2 offline
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Re: Anyone working on a security devices plugin?

gregjsmith wrote:
Will this script monitor the heartbeat of x10 security devices?

Once I am done, it will. The goal is to duplicate all the features of the v4 Security Script. The Switchboard plugin will be the successor to the v4 Security Script.

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Posted on
Sat Dec 17, 2011 2:05 pm
bschollnick2 offline
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Re: Anyone working on a security devices plugin?

Update time....

* X10 support is nearly complete. The door sensor code is fine, I need to add in the extended security functions (eg. Arm / Disarm / Panic / Lights on / Lights Off)
* I am testing the heartbeat code at this time...
* Insteon support is finished
* Action Group support is pending

I am expecting a early beta to be available within the next week...

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Posted on
Sun Dec 18, 2011 2:21 pm
bschollnick2 offline
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Re: Anyone working on a security devices plugin?

bschollnick2 wrote:
Update time....

* X10 support is nearly complete. The door sensor code is fine, I need to add in the extended security functions (eg. Arm / Disarm / Panic / Lights on / Lights Off)
* I am testing the heartbeat code at this time...
* Insteon support is finished
* Action Group support is pending

I am expecting a early beta to be available within the next week...

Just some real world notes.... At least in my installation, I will be able to remove several action groups, since I have allowed the Device Groups to control multiple timed Devices... (My entrance doors active a timer for the X10 chime, and the hallway lights).....

X10 and Insteon support is being tested here, without any significant issues.

I am considering adding another device (e.g. Security Monitor), that would monitor for the X10 Security conditions....
(e.g. Arm, Disarm, Panic). This security monitor, would not be necessary for Window / Door sensors, Motion Sensors and other on/off style devices...

But the Arm / Disarm / Panic / Big Red Button style signals don't quite map that nicely, because in my opinion those commands are for the entire "house". Any other opinions on a security monitor aspect?

- Benjamin

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Posted on
Wed Dec 21, 2011 1:12 pm
bschollnick2 offline
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Re: Anyone working on a security devices plugin?

Another brief update....

I am testing the ActionGroup options, and I expect to release a open Alpha / Beta this weekend...

My goal is to get feedback on how this works in the real world... Missing features, confusing preferences, etc....

- Benjamin

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Posted on
Mon Dec 26, 2011 9:28 am
bschollnick2 offline
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Re: Anyone working on a security devices plugin?

I have a preliminary set of documentation up on the wordpress site... ... itchboard/

I am expecting to release a public beta-1 tomorrow....

- Ben

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