3-way Wall Switch

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Fri Nov 21, 2003 11:01 am
RonJon offline
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Joined: Oct 11, 2003
Location: Indianapolis, IN

3-way Wall Switch

I have a light in my basement stairway that is on a 3-way switch. I want to be able to turn on that light from the switch and have Indigo then turn on my TV room light then if I turn off the stairway light have Indigo turn off my TV room light. Is there an X10 switch available to accomplish this?

Thanks for your help!


Posted on
Fri Nov 21, 2003 11:16 am
Ewicp offline
Posts: 28
Joined: Jul 08, 2003
Location: Tempe, Arizona

(No subject)

I would use one of these (with the companion switch, for a three-way) to do the job.


If you want dimming use the 2380. If your TV room light is on an X-10 switch, then you only need to program the hallway light switch and setup a trigger action in Indigo that turns on the TV room light whenever the hallway light transmits its address.
There's about a billion other ways to do this but I really like these switches and the logic of this arrangement makes sense to me.
Hope this helps.

Blue Skies!


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