House code numbering system?

Posted on
Tue Dec 23, 2003 12:29 pm
ddeppe offline
Posts: 23
Joined: Dec 13, 2003

House code numbering system?

Hi all, anyone have ideas on methodology for assignment of x-10 code's to individual devices? I'm fairly new to x-10, and up to now have only had a handful of devices so I've had them all under a single house code. I'm now taking the plunge & automating all lights in a couple of rooms as well as my front porch light. As I will now need multiple house codes I'm thinking of doing the following. I'll use house codes A & B for my master bedroom & Family room respectively as I'll want to be able to use those combo x-10/home theatre remotes which seem to only work on A & B (at least the models I've seen). I'll use M for all motion detectors, and as long as I only need 1 motion detector/room I'll match the M #'s to the house codes in the fashion of A=1, B=2 etc. so that the Motion detector in room A will be M1. I'll assign other rooms to other house codes in the same fashion. Does that sound like a good plan? Anyone else have other methods they've liked? Thanks.

Posted on
Mon Jan 05, 2004 4:28 pm
HT offline

Re: House code numbering system?

I think you're using a sensible approach, sensible to me at least as I've used a similar scheme. I didn't have the Remote restriction so my scheme is something like:

B for Bar
D for Dining room
F for Front of house outside (guess P for Porch might work equally well)
H for my Bedroom
K for Kitchen
L for Living room
M for motion detector
O for my Office

There are others, but that's off the top of my head. Using ANY kind of logic that you can stick to should work, and you'll thank yourself a hundred fold when you want to add a device, or alter indigo several months from now.

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