which one to pick

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Sun Jan 30, 2022 3:00 am
kw123 offline
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which one to pick

my new house has 2 levels, no steps on each.

and the dust is starting to gather. I was thinking about getting a rumba like device

here is what I would like to have
1. no cloud connection, at most for updating firm ware, I can open manually the connection once a month on the router
2. direct local interaction bluetooth or zigbee or wlan in that order
3. vacuum that actually works, should not have to clean dirt spots, just pick up dust

any suggestions?


Posted on
Sun Jan 30, 2022 4:55 am
GlennNZ offline
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Re: which one to pick

kw123 wrote:
my new house has 2 levels, no steps on each.

and the dust is starting to gather. I was thinking about getting a rumba like device

here is what I would like to have
1. no cloud connection, at most for updating firm ware, I can open manually the connection once a month on the router
2. direct local interaction bluetooth or zigbee or wlan in that order
3. vacuum that actually works, should not have to clean dirt spots, just pick up dust

any suggestions?

Hi Karl

Hopefully the move is/has gone well!

Have owned a few of the iroomba’s and some cheaper Chinese ones. Short review - iRoombas not cheap but do better job - both vacuum wise and getting stuck. There is a great robot vacuum YouTube review specialist - that does a whole lot of tests on AI and vacuum power - google - you’ll find him; he seems to have all the answers! Few none iroomba options - so pros and cons…

The iRoomba will work with no cloud - although the cloud is useful to see how is going. I have mine to start when everyone has left and to stop on return - occasionally on walking in front door its still getting to dock; but mostly has made it.

Will also put a strong plug for getting one with built in dock/emptying station - that has been a life changer really. No manual emptying - and it was me needing to empty after every run almost. No more - can just run and run and run.

Not sure any have local Bluetooth or zigbee connection - but certainly local wlan is the nature of the plugin.

But good luck!


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Posted on
Sun Jan 30, 2022 5:13 pm
kw123 offline
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Re: which one to pick

I have just ordered a Roomba 7+. I guess your plugin supports that one?

And yes we are in our house. Still a lot of lamps and pictures to be hung

Everything was slower due to Covid: the move the buying of new stuff. The getting around …

But we are kind of settled now and feel at home in the new house. Still missing the human interactions though.


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