macOS 14's (Sonoma) Imminent Release

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Mon Sep 25, 2023 12:55 pm
jay (support) offline
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macOS 14's (Sonoma) Imminent Release

Rumor has it that Apple will release Sonoma tomorrow. We've done some testing, and a few users who upgraded to the beta have also tried it, and we've so far found no issues. However, as always, we highly recommend that users wait until a few dot releases have been released before upgrading to a new macOS version. This gives the release time to be tried out by others, bugs to be found and addressed, etc.

For most users, Indigo is crucial for their home automation and new macOS releases almost always introduce some instability for a while. If stability is the most important thing for you, then avoid the upgrade for now and let others suffer potential bugs.

You have been warned...

Jay (Indigo Support)
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