Running Indigo as a system daemon

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Wed Aug 16, 2017 7:16 am
resnick offline
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Re: Running Indigo as a system daemon

I know reviving old threads is bad form, but a recent change has me desperately wanting this feature:

I've got an "indigo" user auto-logging in and auto-starting Indigo at startup. However, after installing Sierra on my machine, when the system reboots (say, after a power outage) and that user auto-logs-in, the "Please enter your Apple ID" and "Do you want to enable Siri?" dialogs come up. I'm still trying to figure out how to stop that, but in the meanwhile it means that if there's a power failure or for some reason I need to do a restart, I have to be present at the console to dismiss those dialogs before Indigo will start.

Please, please, please move this up on the list of features. Indigo is so very close to being a true client-server setup. I'd really like it to run on my macOS Server machine like any other service.

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Wed Aug 16, 2017 7:19 am
FlyingDiver offline
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Re: Running Indigo as a system daemon

Go to the System Preferences->Siri panel and uncheck the "Enable Siri" box.

Go to the System Preferences->iCloud panel and enter your AppleID and password.

joe (aka FlyingDiver)
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Posted on
Wed Aug 16, 2017 7:27 am
resnick offline
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Re: Running Indigo as a system daemon

I already unchecked "Enable Siri". (It was never checked.) No help.

I do not want to log into iCloud on my indigo account. It's only there to run Indigo.

Like I said, still working on disabling the above nonsense, but it doesn't address the real issue.

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Wed Aug 16, 2017 7:29 am
FlyingDiver offline
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Re: Running Indigo as a system daemon

Create a dummy iCloud account just for Indigo.

Try enabling then disabling Siri.

My Sierra server reboots fine without those issues, so they can be dealt with.

joe (aka FlyingDiver)
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Posted on
Wed Aug 16, 2017 7:46 am
resnick offline
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Re: Running Indigo as a system daemon


Yes, I could create a dummy Apple ID, and then I have to make sure that I disable all of the iCloud services so that I'm sure I don't accidentally upload to iCloud something that I'd prefer not to.

Yes, I'm sure I'll get the Siri thing permanently disabled somehow. (Testing this out is of course a pain because I have to log out and back in each time,)

Yes, I can write my little AppleScript so that after auto-logging-in, it goes right back to the login screen so that I limit the odds of the kids, or the cat sitter, or whoever else might be dorking around, to have a chance to use the machine. (And if you're quick enough, you can force-quit that little script and still get the Finder window.)

Yes, I could use the solutions proposed earlier in the thread to hack Indigo so that the server starts as a system daemon at startup time.

Yes, the next time something changes, I'm sure I'll be able to figure out another workaround so that Indigo can continue to operate in the background as a server and I can log in remotely from the machine I really use every day.

But you know what? Life is short. I'd prefer not to engage in an ongoing series of hacks to solve a problem that I shouldn't really have to solve. This program is already written as a client-server model with two processes running. While it's some work for them, I'm quite sure it would be possible for the folks at Indigo to get this written properly instead of doing it with an ongoing series of maintenance pain for me.

(Sorry if I sound a bit terse. I've been a programmer myself for much of my career, and I've done my share of tech support for users. The best way to annoy a user who generally knows what they're doing is to respond to the question, "How do I do X?" with "You should do Y or Z instead", particularly when Y or Z are things that can be discovered by a quick Google search. If the person is an experienced user, chances are they've tried Y or Z, or have valid reasons for not doing Y or Z.)

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Wed Aug 16, 2017 7:53 am
FlyingDiver offline
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Re: Running Indigo as a system daemon

Where did you get the idea that I thought making it a real service is a bad idea? I was just trying to help with your short term issues.

FWIW, my Indigo system is a mac Mini running Sierra Server. No monitor, no keyboard, no mouse. So very difficult for someone to mess up the reboot/login sequence. I don't have any of the maintenance issues with rebooting that you seem to have. Of course, it almost never reboots on it's own because it's on a UPS.

joe (aka FlyingDiver)
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Posted on
Wed Aug 16, 2017 8:07 am
resnick offline
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Re: Running Indigo as a system daemon

I do appreciate your attempt to help, really. It's just that the things you suggested I've already tried or (for other reasons) don't want to do.

I also have a mini, and most of the time I can keep it headless and use screen sharing or VNC to manage it. But sometimes things go sideways enough to need a screen and keyboard, so my main monitor and keyboard are close enough to plug them in on short notice.

And it is the case that my machine is on its own UPS (leave aside the fact that the whole house is, given my probably insane hybrid-on-off-grid battery-backed up photovoltaic system, though that's a story for another day. :) ). I used the power outage as a simple example so I didn't need to explain that I have a phone-controlled power manager that can power-cycle my server or the router if things get so wedged that I can no longer log in remotely. (I don't know why that always seems to happen when I'm traveling; probably a sign that I travel too much.)

For all sorts of reasons, it would be nice to make Indigo a true server. I'm glad you agree. And I apologize for aiming my frustration regarding some of my hacks failing toward you.

Posted on
Wed Aug 16, 2017 9:25 am
matt (support) offline
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Re: Running Indigo as a system daemon

The amount of work required to get everything working securely is significant. If it were one or two days of work we would have done it a while back, but it isn't. We do understand the frustration though and hope to provide a solution to this type of issue in the future.


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