IFTTT Action  

Developer: JonD's Plugins     Like this plugin? Show your appreciation!
Category: Notification & Messaging
Assistance: Get help!    Check the online documentation
Plugin ID: me.12mail.iftttAction
Latest release: v0.4.0 released on Nov. 25, 2017 (this release is only compatible with Indigo 2022.2 and earlier)
Requires: Indigo v6.0.0 thru v2022.2
  Download latest release


This is a really simple plugin that creates an action in Indigo to trigger IFTTT recipes through the IFTTT Maker Channel. It's one way only (i.e. you can trigger IFTTT recipes from Indigo but not Indigo events from IFTTT recipes - clearly that would require either a proper IFTTT channel for Indigo or some way to work around the authentication issues for the Maker channel).

The plugin config allows you to enter your IFTTT Maker channel API key and then the action UI allows you to specify the event name and 3 values to pass with the event. You then just create a recipe in IFTTT to trigger whatever you want from that and use the values however you see fit.

How to install and configure

  1. Download the plugin and copy it to somewhere on the machine you're running your Indigo server on
  2. Double click the plugin file to install and enable it
  3. A plugin configuration window should automatically appear in Indigo. You need to complete the configuration before you can use the plugin, so if it doesn't automatically appear, in Indigo, go to Plugins > IFTTT Action > Configure
  4. In the configuration window, you need to enter an API key for your IFTTT maker channel. To get one of these, you need to first connect to the Maker channel at https://ifttt.com/maker/ then the page should show "Your key is" and a key which you can copy and paste into the configuration window in Indigo.
  5. Now you're ready to create an IFTTT action. Create a new trigger, schedule or action group and go to the actions tab. Choose IFTTTAction Actions > Trigger IFTTT Event
  6. Choose the Maker channel API key from the drop-down list (if you only set up one in the plugin config, it should already be selected)
  7. Enter an event name WITH NO SPACES (mandatory) and up to 3 values to pass with the trigger (optional). You'll be able to use these in your IFTTT recipes.
  8. Hit Save
  9. Now you need to create an IFTTT recipe using the Maker channel for the 'this' part of the recipe, with the event name exactly matching the event name you just set up in step 7 above.
  10. Now go ahead and test.
Release details
Released on: Nov. 25, 2017
Requires: Indigo v6.0.0 thru v2022.2
Changes in this release

No changes since 0.32 - this version created to comply with version numbering requirements on the Indigo plugin store


Setup as before - see the documentation link for step by step instructions.