Indigo Touch 2.0 or iOS February 02, 2015

Great news for all of our anxious customers: we should have a beta of the new iOS Indigo Touch client available within weeks. What will be in this release:

  • Completely new look & feel
  • iOS 8 compatibility (requires iOS 7 or greater)
  • Support for all screen resolutions including iPhone 6+
  • An all new set of icons including icons for new device types
  • Detailed device information including sensor values, power/energy usage, states, last update time stamps
  • Event log viewing
  • Improved authentication mechanism (avoids iOS bug that causes multiple authentication prompts)
  • Ability to connect to Ad-Hoc WiFi Macs (running Indigo Server) that do not have WAN access
  • Bug fixes and performance optimizations

We have plans to add geofencing and push notification support, but we wanted to get the new version to everyone sooner. The release date of those 2 features is still to-be-determined.

We know that some of our users have been clamoring for this update for a while and we're very happy to finally get this release to the point that we can start the beta test process. In order to keep the coordination of the beta process to a minimum, and given this will hopefully be a short beta cycle, this will be a private beta with a very limited set of testers. We'll be choosing the beta testers based on past beta feedback and participation in our user forums. We will be contacting these individuals directly in the next few weeks with details.

We want to thank all of our customers who have been patiently waiting for this release - the past few months have been a very challenging time for us on a variety of levels and we really do appreciate your further patience and understanding as we get this release ready for the public.

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